Friday 10 February 2012

Scene12_03: Hot diggity dog!

The only issue left on this is the colours. Who would like to determine the palette? Maybe we should wait for the cleanup and bg's on other scenes before finalising a colour sceme.

I also think hotdog should blink?

Please let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. This brings a tear to my eye. its so amazing.

    I like how you had the wine move in his glass. I was going to mention that but i wasnt sure if was something that you were already going to do.

    Yeah i think one blink should be good, just to give him some life. It could be in the middle of the dogs laugh, because at that point the dog is done most of his attention grabbing moves.

    as far as color, I kind of like the color treatment to the dog in this scene, because he contrasts the dark background, although it doesnt match the color of the dog from the other scenes.

    I would want to see what stu says about color, because he's has an excellent eye for palettes.
